Stop aapi hate

A form compiling multiple carrds, links, and resources for the stopAAPIhate initiative.

Other Carrds: Asian Awareness Project

This carrd is closest to the purpose of this one. It has a myriad of different sources to petition, donate, volunteer and learn about S.A.H.

Other Carrds: Anti Asian Violence Resources

This site boasts an extensive list of educational links, links to report violence against AAPI individuals and, statements by public entities on the matter of protecting Asian communites.

This team's initiative

Given the rapid uptick in anti AAPI violence in the past year, we find it imperative that people are aware of ways to help out the AAPI community in this time of crisis as well as ensure diversity and inclusion going forward. This period of violence was built upon xenophobic and racist language, cultural misconceptions, societal narratives, myths, and targeted abuse. We are not going to solve the issue by simply calling things bad and patting ourselves on the back. This must be an ongoing assurance that we must hold ourselves to.

Call out language, deconstruct narratives, donate to and petition for those in need, find out what you don't know and learn it. Spread knowledge and spread awareness. You may not be able to do everything, but you can do something.

STOP AAPI HATE:(Organization)

While this is an independent card, it is based on the mission statement of this organization. StopAAPIhate, like the carrds before and links to come offer resources to learn about protection, report incidents, donate, and discover laws and rules in place in states or businesses protecting AAPI folk.


The following are links common in stop asian hate carrds, diversity initiatives, and other related sites compiled into one area and sorted by goal

Petitions -

AAPI Empowerment -

Donations -

Learning Opportunities

This section holds videos to learn about diversity and inclusion initiatives. However, due to carrd's element limit, website forms have been ommited.

©Stop AAPI Hate, AAPICE-EF, EPIC, All rights reserved.

( Made with Carrd )